We’ve all had post-holiday blues, but what about post-conference blues? Whilst we prepare for our September meetings, we have just the thing to tide you over! We have recently added 11 conferences to our on-demand platform, the Millbrook Hub!

Whether you want to relive your favourite moments, make sense of your shorthand, or were unable to attend in-person and want to see what you missed, the Millbrook Hub is the place to go for hours of medical education.

Moreover, the Millbrook Hub gives you the option to skip ahead to specific talks and live cases, so you can tailor your learning by watching content that’s relevant to you.

The newest additions to the Millbrook Hub include:

  • Lesion Preparation Conference
  • Transcatheter Mitral UK & Ireland
  • Oxford Live
  • Tricuspid Intervention UK
  • Coronary Complications During PCI
  • CORE PAD – Management of the Severe Calcification in the Femoro-Popliteal Segment
  • TransPenninePCI
  • Chronic Total Occlusions: An Introduction to CTO PCI
  • Practical IVUS & OCT
  • TEER for Mitral & Tricuspid Regurgitation
  • CORE PAD – Extreme and Re-do Lower Limb Revascularisation

On Demand

Once a conference has been recorded and edited, it will be loaded onto the Millbrook Hub within two weeks, so you won’t have to wait long to get your fill of medical education!

Since its launch in 2021, 5,435 healthcare professionals have signed up to the Millbrook Hub and this year alone the Millbrook Hub has received 184,430 page views.

Access to e-conferences on the Millbrook Hub is for registered persons only. To register for access, please click here and complete the form. Access is free to healthcare professionals only; the Millbrook Hub is not open to industry professionals.

If you have registered for a Millbrook e-conference in the past, you will automatically have access to the Millbrook Hub using the same login details.

Millbrook welcomes feedback about your Millbrook Hub experience – please email events@millbrookconferences.co.uk with your thoughts and suggestions.

Click here to access the Millbrook Hub.

Recent News

2022 saw Millbrook Medical Conferences (Millbrook) celebrate its 30th anniversary, and what better a way to commemorate the milestone than with a shiny, new website that really showcases the business and all its accomplishments over the last three decades. In addition, Millbrook has invested in CVENT, which puts event registrants at the heart. Throughout the last year, Millbrook has worked incredibly hard behind the scenes to design, develop and test the website and CVENT, which were both rolled out on Friday 6 January 2023.

Recognising that its events are unique and that its registration technology should be as responsive, intuitive and flexible as the event it plans, Millbrook decided to move away from its previous registration and event management system to CVENT.

The move to CVENT strengthens the business’s commitment to providing the best user experience possible. The event management software solution paves the way to a seamless registration process by combining advanced functionality with a user-friendly interface, which in turn, allows Millbrook to design a specialised registration process for its audience. Attendees will have greater ownership of their registration, with the option to amend their booking(s) by adding accommodation, additional days later down the line or cancel it themselves.

The most notable change for website visitors is that each upcoming conference will have its own identity outside of the Millbrook brand in the form of a fully customisable microsite. As such, the Millbrook team will have greater design freedom and the ability to implement feedback from clinical organisers on the look and feel of each individual microsite. Utilising images, colours and fonts reflective of the meeting, Millbrook will kick off its events in the right way, giving attendees a taste of what they can expect. What’s more, every conference will have its own stamp with added functionality and information included to suit the conference itself, rather than limited flexibility with only text functionality.

As an independent microsite, healthcare practitioners interested in attending a particular conference can quickly and easily refer to the conference-specific microsite for all the latest information related to the event, including programme and faculty updates, directions, and frequently asked questions. A time-saving benefit as users would previously have to navigate through Millbrook to find what they are looking for.

Registering for medical education is made simpler with CVENT as attendees can amend their booking(s) with just a few clicks. The transfer to CVENT offers the same features attendees know and love, as well as some new capabilities, such as the ability to add their own accommodation, additional days attendance, or attend a dinner. Now, delegates can go one step further by adding those extras later or cancelling them.

The event technology platform for face-to-face, online and hybrid events creates a smoother, quicker, and more efficient delegate experience. The registration process is tailor-made to suit the requirements of each conference and opens the opportunity of storytelling and taking the user on a journey.

Away from CVENT, the Millbrook website itself is easier to navigate and bursting with information, including biographies on the Millbrook team, services offered and case studies and news, without compromising the visibility and information available on its conferences.

The changeover is extremely beneficial to delegates, clinical organisers and Millbrook Medical Conferences alike.

CVENT removes some previously manual processes, which allows for more streamlined and efficient working as well as increased capacity within the team, and CVENT will act as a one-stop-shop for everything related to each conference with the organiser having full visibility and ownership of this. What’s more, with its increased reporting functionality, CVENT makes it easier for Millbrook to access and identify areas for improvement, allowing the business to proactively act on these changes and implement measures for stronger results.

Utilising such technologies allows for integration with other systems for automatic processing and linking of information between multiple services, which also increases the scope of growth.

The overhaul of Millbrook’s website is reflective of the future of the business and the direction it is taking. In addition to high-quality content and a refined colour palette, the website features more information on the services offered by Millbrook, for those interested in running their own conference with Millbrook Medical Conferences as a partner.

Speaking of the investment, Business Development and Marketing Manager Sarah Moore said:

Millbrook has seen huge growth in the past 18 months and with this the business is ready to take the next steps to expand and invest in its future.

“The implementation of a state-of-the-art event management and marketing system will allow additional functionality for our team to help promote efficiencies and allow for more advanced ways of working, as well as providing a more streamlined and pleasant registration and delegate experience for those attending our conferences.

“In addition, we’re proud of our new website which better reflects the direction of the business. We’re really excited about these new changes and look forward to the possibilities these systems will create and to build on our recent achievements well into the future.

“Whilst we’re excited about our new technological advances, it’s our wonderful team that are at the heart of the business and are the main reason for its continued success.”

Millbrook Medical Conferences welcomes feedback about your experience – please email enquiries@millbrookconferences.co.uk with your thoughts and suggestions.

Recent News

Millbrook Medical Conferences has reached an exciting milestone as it celebrates three decades of organising first-class medical education.

Millbrook Medical Conferences (Millbrook) was established in 1992 by Managing Director Fiona McDonald during her maternity leave after realising a need for the service whilst working within the NHS as a secretary.

Fast forward 30 years and Millbrook is a multi-award-winning business that serves healthcare professionals worldwide by ensuring the delivery of high-quality education through its range of in-person, virtual and hybrid conferences.

Millbrook has received many accolades since its inception, most recently in October 2022 when it was named as a finalist within the ABPCO Excellence Awards for the Best Legacy Award. The nomination focuses on the legacy and impact Millbrook and Fiona has and continues to have on medical education. Wish Millbrook luck when the winners are announced on Friday, 9 December at Birmingham ICC!

In the lead up the anniversary, the Millbrook team were working behind the scenes (and did very well to keep schtum!) to create a special 30th birthday video for Fiona. The Millbrook team reached out to Fiona’s previous colleagues, family, and friends old and new, and were overwhelmed with the response. The aim was to get 30 people to record a short congratulatory message, which were all collated into one long lovely video. Before setting off to the capital for a fun-filled evening, the team shared the video with Fiona over a glass of fizz, who was bowled over by the messages of thanks and well wishes.

The 20-minute video featuring the Millbrook team, Adrian Banning, Dan Blackman, David Gershlick and Nick Curzen to name just a few, is available to view in the video below.

Afterwards, the team headed down to London for a ride on Funicular’s The Murdér Express, where they enjoyed an immersive theatre dining experience to celebrate the business and all its achievements in style.

Fiona and the Millbrook team on the Murdér Express

For Fiona, the surprises didn’t stop there as the Millbrook team had a wall mural specially created to mark the 30th birthday. The wall art contains a collection of words and locations of significant importance to the business and its growth, depicted in different sizes.

Fiona McDonald pictured with 30th anniversary wall mural

Here’s to another 30 years of organising high-quality education!

The Millbrook team
From L-R: Rebecca Hopper, Lizzie Head, Emma Robinson, Sarah Davies, Tilly Broadbent, Sarah Moore and Fiona McDonald

Recent News

COVID-19 changed the conference and events landscape with many event organisers adopting a digital or hybrid format. In response to societal changes, Millbrook launched the Millbrook Hub in 2021, which is home to several e-conferences and webinars for medical professionals. Though, with COVID-19 restrictions lifted and minimal access to cardiac cath labs following the pandemic, there is a real need for networking in-person and participating in demonstrations.

Staying true to its core principle of making medical education accessible to healthcare professionals, Millbrook records its in-person conferences and ensures a live stream is available when running hybrid events.

There are currently 28 e-conferences available to watch on the Millbrook Hub free-of-charge, wherever and whenever delegates desire, amounting to over 100 hours’ worth of medical education.

The number of e-conferences available on-demand will continue to grow as Millbrook Medical Conferences is booked up with in-person, virtual and hybrid meetings for the remainder of 2022 and has already begun to secure meetings for 2023.

The newest additions to the Millbrook Hub include B.R.A.I.N. (Barts Research and Advanced Interventional Neuroradiology) 2021Chronic Total Occlusion: An introduction to CTO PCILesion Preparation 2022 – the reality behind the techniqueMitral Leaflet Repair WebinarTranscatheter Mitral 2022 and UK Update in CSP Pacing.

Millbrook Medical Conferences: On-Demand section
Conferences available on the Millbrook Hub

Highlights from Coronary Complications During PCI will be available to watch on the Hub soon.

Access to e-conferences on the Millbrook Hub is for registered persons only. To register for access, please click here and complete the form. Access is free to healthcare professionals only; the Hub is not open to industry professionals.

If you have registered for a Millbrook e-conference in the past, you will automatically have access to the Hub using the same login details.

Click here to access the Millbrook Hub.


The Hub boasts a clean, simple and intuitive user interface for use anywhere. The menu on the left-hand side of the Hub is expandable and collapsible with clear messaging and icons that make it easy for users to navigate.

  • To watch an e-conference, click the ‘On-Demand’ button.
  • To keep up to date Millbrook’s activity on social media, click the ‘Millbrook Twitter’ button.
  • To visit the Millbrook website, click the ‘Millbrook Medical Conferences’ button.
  • For any queries, click the ‘Help Desk’ button to get in touch with the Millbrook team, or click the ‘FAQs’ button.

Once users have selected the conference they want to watch, an agenda becomes available to view. From there, the conference can be watched in full, or users can click on a specific session to watch within the agenda.

For professionals wanting to watch an e-conference, whilst working on a project a ‘Pop out Player’ option is available, giving users a minimised view of the video. Alternatively, when time is short, users can save sessions for later by clicking the ticketed star icon, which is situated next name of the session – on the right. Doing so will add that session to the users ‘personal agenda.’

Millbrook Hub: ticketed star icon
Ticketed star icon

To access your personal agenda, click your profile image in the top right corner. If an image hasn’t been uploaded by the user, this will show as their initials. Then click ‘My Schedule’ and this will bring up all the saved sessions.

Millbrook Hub: My Schedule
My Schedule

When watching the e-conference, a ‘Chat’ and ‘Notes’ function is available which allows professionals to connect and share ideas while hearing from world-renowned experts in their respected field.

In addition, the Millbrook Hub can be accessed quickly and easily by Android and iOS users when pinned as an app for medical information at their fingertips.

To pin the Millbrook Hub as an app, open your preferred web browser and enter https://crowdcomms.com/mmc/login into the address bar. Alternatively, the Hub can be found by clicking ‘Past Conferences’ within the navigation bar on the Millbrook website. Once you have logged into your account, tap the (…) button, then click ‘Add to Home Screen.’

The process is similar on an iOS device. First, visit the Millbrook Hub. Once you have logged into your account, click the ‘Share’ icon and select ‘Add to Home Screen.’


The Millbrook Hub is proving to be a valuable platform amongst healthcare professionals. Recent statistics show that 1,117 healthcare professionals have logged into the Millbrook Hub since its launch last year. In that time, the Hub has received 106,936 page views and 165 personalised sessions. In addition, Millbrook’s e-conferences keep healthcare practitioners gripped with an average visit time of 71 minutes.

Millbrook is always looking for ways to improve the Hub and is working closely with CrowdComms, an event technology provider, to give it a new look and feel. The re-design is part of Millbrook’s plans to modernise the Hub and enhance the user experience and efficiency.

Millbrook welcomes feedback about your Millbrook Hub experience – please email events@millbrookconferences.co.uk with your thoughts and suggestions.

Click here to access the Millbrook Hub.

Recent News

COVID-19 changed the conference and events landscape with many event organisers adopting a digital or hybrid format. In response to societal changes, Millbrook launched the Millbrook Hub in 2021, which is home to several e-conferences and webinars for medical professionals. Though, with COVID-19 restrictions lifted and minimal access to cardiac cath labs following the pandemic, there is a real need for networking in-person and participating in demonstrations.

Staying true to its core principle of making medical education accessible to healthcare professionals, Millbrook records its in-person conferences and ensures a live stream is available when running hybrid events.

There are currently 28 e-conferences available to watch on the Millbrook Hub free-of-charge, wherever and whenever delegates desire, amounting to over 100 hours’ worth of medical education.

The number of e-conferences available on-demand will continue to grow as Millbrook Medical Conferences is booked up with in-person, virtual and hybrid meetings for the remainder of 2022 and has already begun to secure meetings for 2023.

The newest additions to the Millbrook Hub include B.R.A.I.N. (Barts Research and Advanced Interventional Neuroradiology) 2021Chronic Total Occlusion: An introduction to CTO PCILesion Preparation 2022 – the reality behind the techniqueMitral Leaflet Repair WebinarTranscatheter Mitral 2022 and UK Update in CSP Pacing.

Millbrook Medical Conferences: On-Demand section
Conferences available on the Millbrook Hub

Highlights from Coronary Complications During PCI will be available to watch on the Hub soon.

Access to e-conferences on the Millbrook Hub is for registered persons only. To register for access, please click here and complete the form. Access is free to healthcare professionals only; the Hub is not open to industry professionals.

If you have registered for a Millbrook e-conference in the past, you will automatically have access to the Hub using the same login details.

Click here to access the Millbrook Hub.


The Hub boasts a clean, simple and intuitive user interface for use anywhere. The menu on the left-hand side of the Hub is expandable and collapsible with clear messaging and icons that make it easy for users to navigate.

  • To watch an e-conference, click the ‘On-Demand’ button.
  • To keep up to date Millbrook’s activity on social media, click the ‘Millbrook Twitter’ button.
  • To visit the Millbrook website, click the ‘Millbrook Medical Conferences’ button.
  • For any queries, click the ‘Help Desk’ button to get in touch with the Millbrook team, or click the ‘FAQs’ button.

Once users have selected the conference they want to watch, an agenda becomes available to view. From there, the conference can be watched in full, or users can click on a specific session to watch within the agenda.

For professionals wanting to watch an e-conference, whilst working on a project a ‘Pop out Player’ option is available, giving users a minimised view of the video. Alternatively, when time is short, users can save sessions for later by clicking the ticketed star icon, which is situated next name of the session – on the right. Doing so will add that session to the users ‘personal agenda.’

Millbrook Hub: ticketed star icon
Ticketed star icon

To access your personal agenda, click your profile image in the top right corner. If an image hasn’t been uploaded by the user, this will show as their initials. Then click ‘My Schedule’ and this will bring up all the saved sessions.

Millbrook Hub: My Schedule
My Schedule

When watching the e-conference, a ‘Chat’ and ‘Notes’ function is available which allows professionals to connect and share ideas while hearing from world-renowned experts in their respected field.

In addition, the Millbrook Hub can be accessed quickly and easily by Android and iOS users when pinned as an app for medical information at their fingertips.

To pin the Millbrook Hub as an app, open your preferred web browser and enter https://crowdcomms.com/mmc/login into the address bar. Alternatively, the Hub can be found by clicking ‘Past Conferences’ within the navigation bar on the Millbrook website. Once you have logged into your account, tap the (…) button, then click ‘Add to Home Screen.’

The process is similar on an iOS device. First, visit the Millbrook Hub. Once you have logged into your account, click the ‘Share’ icon and select ‘Add to Home Screen.’


The Millbrook Hub is proving to be a valuable platform amongst healthcare professionals. Recent statistics show that 1,117 healthcare professionals have logged into the Millbrook Hub since its launch last year. In that time, the Hub has received 106,936 page views and 165 personalised sessions. In addition, Millbrook’s e-conferences keep healthcare practitioners gripped with an average visit time of 71 minutes.

Millbrook is always looking for ways to improve the Hub and is working closely with CrowdComms, an event technology provider, to give it a new look and feel. The re-design is part of Millbrook’s plans to modernise the Hub and enhance the user experience and efficiency.

Millbrook welcomes feedback about your Millbrook Hub experience – please email events@millbrookconferences.co.uk with your thoughts and suggestions.

Click here to access the Millbrook Hub.

Recent News